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Background Styles

Backgrounds are used a lot in design. In addition to a plain color, you may want to add a gradient, tile, or an image. Element properties allow you to create a complex background consisting of several simpler overlapping ones. A background style is a set of the following properties:

  • Color, a background color is displayed when no other types are set;
  • Type, background type (image, linear-, radial-, and conic-gradient);
  • Position, background position relative to the container;
  • Size, background size relative to the container;
  • Repeat, background repetition;
  • Attachment, background scrolling;
  • Clip, background/border ratio.

To add a background style to the theme, click on the "+" icon in front of the category.

Add New Background Styles to the Project Theme

To add a background style from the theme to an element, go to the Styles panel, click on the Variable theme icon icon next to the Background property and select the background style you want.

Apply Background Styles from the Project Theme

Configuring the code#
