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SEO Settings

Here you can set the title and description for search engines and social networks (properties with the og: prefix). You can also specify the image that will appear with the link for social networks and messengers.

  • Title โ€” the project title that will be shown in the tab and in search engines

  • Description โ€” a brief project description

  • og:title โ€” project title for social networks

  • og:description โ€” project description for social networks

  • og:image URL โ€” site previews for social networks and messengers

  • Robots.txt โ€” The robots.txt file is automatically generated by the system and is available at the address like this:

  • Sitemap.xml โ€” This file is automatically generated for all published sites and is available at the address of the form: It includes all pages of the site. But you can also change these files manually

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