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The Link Primitive on Page

The Link primitive is used for:

  • creating a link to other pages
  • creating a link to parts within the current or another page (anchor link)
  • creating a link to open files
  • creating a link to write an email
  • creating a link with a phone number

In the Link properties, you can set the target address, the tab behavior when you click the link, the Link behavior when transferring lines and when overflowing.

Available props#

Prop nameDescription
overflow-wrapSets whether the browser should insert line breaks within an otherwise unbreakable string to prevent text from overflowing its line box
word-breakSets whether line breaks appear wherever the text would otherwise overflow its content box
white-spaceSets how white space inside an element is handled
text-indentSets the length of empty space (indentation) that is put before lines of text in a block
text-overflowSets how hidden overflow content is signaled to users
hyphensSpecifies how words should be hyphenated when text wraps across multiple lines
hrefSets the address to go to when the link is clicked
targetYou can define the window where the page opened by the link will be loaded:
โ€ƒ_self - loads the page into the current window;
โ€ƒ_blank - loads the page into a new browser window;
โ€ƒ_parent - loads the page into the frame parent. If there are no frames, this value works as _self;
โ€ƒ_top - cancels all frames and loads the page in the full browser window. If there are no frames, this value works as _self.