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Select Elements

Select an element on a page

To select an element at the highest or current nesting level, just click it. If you need to select a nested element one level down from the current one, there are two ways:

  • Use double-click to go down one level of nesting
  • Click on an element while holding Ctrl or โŒ˜(Cmd) for MacOS. In this case, the hierarchy of elements isn't taken into account.

To reset the selection, press Esc.

Group selection of elements#

Select several elements on a page

There are two ways to select several elements:

  • Click and hold Shift on the desired elements at the same level
  • While holding Shift and Ctrl or โ‡ง(Shift) and โŒ˜(Cmd) for MacOS, click on the desired elements at any level.

To deselect, click the element again with the keys held.

Spacing display#

Spacing display between elements

To see the spacing between elements, select the first element, press Alt or โŒฅ(Option) for MacOS and point at the second element. If you want to see the spacing to the nested element, hold Ctrl and Alt or โŒ˜(Cmd) and โŒฅ(Option) for MacOS.